Friday, March 15, 2013

Walk of Death

      The Trail of Tears has always been a reoccurring topic discussed in history classes I have taken. Just as we’re (students) are taught, they were forced off their land and were considered, “backward and ignorant”, therefore had to learn the Christian way of living. However, many of the individuals interviewed in the film we saw in class, stated that we need to learn about the history of the Cherokee population because a lot of facts are left unsaid and I feel that’s what I really gained insight to. I always thought they were forced to do what they were told by the whites such as changing their lifestyle and learning the European culture. But, I learned they actually wanted to adapt to white customs in order to keep their homeland. And, most of all they were successful in doing so. Doing everything the right way, regarding changing their ways and participating in the missionary schools, chaos still broke out when two leaders, Elias Boudinot and John Ridges wanted to marry white women. Now, the issues among the Cherokee people were about “color”. They proved they are capable of the same things white can do, yet this served as a new excuse for them to suffer from oppression.
       It just doesn’t seem to make sense that a group of people were treated less than humans by the same people who welcomed them with open arms at one point. Looking at the big picture, the real reason of it was purely greed. Wealth was the motive, which is what President Jackson wanted and of course he had the support in the Cherokee genocide and obviously the power to do so. It was survival of the fittest, a concept in Social Darwinism. In the case of the Cherokee population, money was something to fight for, not for them, but for the whites which is why the Cherokees couldn’t testify against whites, sell land, mine for gold or have freedom of speech. Even the sympathizers and intellectuals had to be eliminated.

     Everything has to be done to make sure wealth was in the hands of the whites and only them. As we discussed, global genocide is evident throughout history as a repeating event. And unfortunately, we’re not safe today either. Greed drives people to do bizarre things, whether it’s on a big or small scale. A lot of times, wants are placed on top of needs. It  makes me think of a small example like the MTA and their greed when it comes to raising up the fares, with the poor economy and middle class struggling enough already. But, of course, there are always excuses as to why their actions are justified.


  1. I am here writing a review towards your piece Ms. Soto, so please don’t mind my criticism. As far as defining your blog’s topic from your piece of reading, you did well. According to the beginning of your blog you’re familiar with the writing as well as related topics. However, you just need a bit more revision as to how your sentence structure came out as in missing words, misplaced periods and comma’s, etc. For example or better yet the first point out, in your first paragraph you wrote this after period when it should’ve been a comma, “And, most of all they were successful in doing so.” This is as far as my criticism goes. You just need to revise and conjunct your sentences more efficiently. Your information seems to be on point however. A few key terms or key line that you used in relation in your blog that I favored was the whole “concept of social Darwinism” line. Nice choice in comparing with your writing, as well as writing in relation to real life with the MTA dilemma and about global matters like “genocide”. One line that did catch me but I felt out in the open and a bit confused was the, “Even the sympathizers and intellectuals had to be eliminated”, line which however was interesting but I felt like it was a lot to think about with not enough supporting info. However on a brighter side it was a very interesting piece and I mean that with all honesty. Nevertheless, it’s exactly what a blog is supposed to be, straight from the self.

  2. I have taken your advice and suggestions in consideration and have tried to develop a revised piece on my blog. Thank you a lot, it was helpful. I definitely saw areas that I had to improve on.
